Thursday, December 22, 2011

German Christmas Story by Darius James

“Un Aperitivo Col Diavolo”

The air was heavy with the cloying aroma of glazed nuts simmering in a artificial syrup. Ku'dam glowed in a frost of lights. And shoppers trundled along the boulevard bundled in furs. I wandered from bar to café with one drink bleeding into another, one drug morphing into the next, without finding a soul with whom I could tipple and commiserate. The loneliness was crippling. I drank prodigiously.

It was unrelenting. It bordered on the suicidal.

I had estranged myself, since moving to Europe, from the friends I had left behind and those I knew in Berlin. Christmas had come to mean no family, no friends, no feast. Christmas was an endless supply of wine and a galaxy of drugs.

By the time I settled into the last bar I would visit that Christmas eve, my brain spun with dizzy swirls and throbbing lines. My vision had skewed into flipping horizontal patterns. Everything was in fish-eyed perspective. I could no longer tell the difference between day or night.

“Money Dissolves in My Mouth”

Manhattan had peaked in the summer of nineteen eighty-seven. The Lower Eastside was a circus of openings and exhibitions. There was an abundance of money and yuppies. Parties and coke. Bad women and smack.

The battle cry in the squats on East Thirteenth Street was “DIE YUPPIE SCUM!!!”. But fuck that bullshit. Yuppies spent money. They bought us dinner. We couriered drugs. European tourists were our favorite targets. In the shade of the Tompkins Square Park bandshell, they approach and asked where to cop blow. Cocaine was cheap that summer. So we charged eighty, while it was only twenty, and pocketed the rest. Our foreign-born guests were always happy with the fat white bags of laxative we scored from the Puerto Ricans on Ludlow Street.

It was an undemanding life of unending night, even during daylight hours. I made the rounds of galleries; dance clubs; after-hours bars; all-night diners and, freak that I am, bondage clubs in the meat-packing district. I never knew where or with whom I might wake up. Some mornings I was on the floor of a plush loft with a neon-haired floozie naked in torn fishnets reeking of sweat and alcohol. On others, I was sprawled with limbs akimbo in the stairwell of a low-income housing project on Avenue D. It really didn’t matter because it would start all over again on a bench in the park.

Where did the money come from? No one knew.

But we ate, survived and had fun. Our gratification was in the company of each other. There was always a party, always an opening, with a case of wine and a tray of food.

Summer ended. The leaves withered. And our 'endless night' was over.

Of course, we still gathered in the park. And went to parties thrown by flatulent art-world frauds with more money than taste. We still ate on the Yuppie dime. And short-changed constipated Europeans. But it was all by rote, all routine. The inspired exuberance was gone.

Then Christmas came. Corpses turned up in the park. Some stewed and served in the shelters. There were rumors of a brandy-soaked pudding for desert. Derelicts were raped in the bandshell; brutal cluster-fucks illuminated by a halo of blinking holiday lights. Friends succumbed to the lure of heroin. I became a drunk.

And, as the illness of addiction took over, I watched my friends turn their backs on their own humanity:

Don't fuck up and o'd. That was the unspoken rule. Handle your shit. We ain't fuckin’ 'round wid’ no po' leese. So if you do fuck up, kiss your sorry ass goodbye. Ain't gonna be no last-minute miracles in the emergency room. We just gonna dump your ass in a lot and let you die. It's your last dance, pardner. Party over. The D.J. has left the building.
“Latex Skin Glows in the Dark”

I sat alone at a corner table, unnoticed by the others in the bar. Normally, I preferred anonymity in Berlin. Generally, the average German ignored me. This was because I was both a stranger and an American. We were Europe's equivalent of New York's vagrant 'euro-trash' population. Trust-fund backpackers and off-the-rack hipsters -- with their ridiculous claim of never setting foot on U.S. soil until the president of the United States was removed from office -- had turned the idea of an “American Expat” into a grotesque joke.

These people were awful. They needed to die in New York. They needed to die in Berlin. I tried to beat one of them to death one night. Long-haired P.C. Vegan asshole thought I was his art-commune's 'kitchen nigger'. Popped that muthafucka in the forehead with a soup ladle.

However, these were unusual circumstances. It was the holidays. I was alone in a foreign country. I missed my family. I missed the warmth of human friendship. And I missed the moist warmth of Holly-wreathed XXX-Mass pussy wrapped and ribboned under my Christmas tree.
“Tom of Finland Travels By Transparent Escalator”

I dozed off after my fourth glass of wine. Or maybe I blacked out. It was impossible to tell the difference. I was sipping a glass of putrid red one moment. And he was sitting across the table the next. I don't even remember closing my eyes. It happened that fast.

I was sitting quietly with my thoughts, lost in some Grosz-inspired jangle of vibrating lines, obviously influenced by the drunkards crowding the bar, when suddenly, after a momentary sensation of vertigo, there he was--a hawk-faced leprechaun with reddened jowls and two wisps of hair jutting over his brow like the dying tendrils of a dehydrated house-plant. They looked like the budding horns of a young goat. His shirt was an eye-aching yellow spotted with gobbling green PacMen.

I recovered consciousness during the tail end of some jabber about waiting tables in New York. “I'd go down to Christopher Street after work” he said, sounding like Don Knotts (with a brogue) in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken; “and have a beer at the Ramrod. You're an American. You look like a New Yorker. Ever been to the Ramrod?”

Did they dig this guy up from under the Paradise Garage and pull him out of a pink time-capsule stamped with a nineteen-seventies' smiley face?

I knew the Ramrod. I used to live on Grove Street in those days; a block over from Christopher. I'd come up out of the Sheridan Square subway station and Seventh Avenue would be mobbed with protesters disrupting principal photography on Cruising. Stone-wall was still fresh in people's minds.

At the time, I was friends with an off-broadway actress whose acting, so she said, was guided by the voices of a Semitic demoness named Lilith. She was the first woman she said. She was created out of the same earth as Adam. She was supposed to be his 'help mate' under his direct command. Lilith said:

“Fuck you and your daddy! Why should I help a muthafucka who can't even find my g-spot? Take out one of them ribs and make you a dumb bitch to pluck your apples!”

And split. That's why she's a demon. She was the first 'Badd Nigga' of record.

My friend was a dynamic if frightening performer – the sort who enjoyed covering herself in clay and blood and brandishing machetes. But you could always hear, just under the surface of her mind, the jaunty pipe-whistles of a Loony Tunes cartoon.

Anyway, she used to fuck Al Pacino in his trailer between set-ups so he wouldn't lose his mind playing a troubled stud-cop in campy leather gear with a yellow snot-rag hanging out of his back pocket.

“Kiss and tell...”

She wouldn't. But once her affair with Pacino was over, she began cross-dressing in leatherboy drag and hanging out on the docks. She'd always come back to my apartment with raccooned eyes, begging for food or drugs, banged up and bruised, smelling really bad. Little did I realize she was the prototype for a succession of sociopathic girlfriends I would have later in life.

The Ramrod was by the West Side Highway, across from the pier along the Hudson River. The building looked like it was once a drive-through burger joint in the 'fifties; the kind that serviced long-distance truckers. Apparently, it still did. The lot surrounding it was filled with motorcycles; all individually customized, all looking like the boudoir of an expensive whore: pink upholstery, rhinestone studding and flashing neon tubing. Not the kind of stripped-down putt-putts parked in front of the Angels' clubhouse on East Third Street.

The Ramrod was a little like Charlottenberg's scatological fun-house, Klo, without the obnoxious heterosexuals or infantile sense of humor. It was just infantile. The place was a urinal with a bar in the middle of the floor. Literally. Gangs of Tom of Finland leatherboys quaffed a few drafts at the rail; then, full bladdered, cracked open ampules under their noses, whiffing a delirious mix of amyl-nitrate, Lysol and ammonia-pungent piss, headed over to the porcelain trough built along the walls for some real mouth-opened wide fun and games.
“Ruby Slippers My Dear: Or Black People Before The Invention of Hiphop”

I lied and told the leprechaun I was a Canadian.

“Really? Where're you from? Vancouver? Toronto? Montreal?”

“Saskatoon.” Saskatoon is Canada's answer to the wheat fields of Kansas; all flatlands and infinite sky.

“I'm from Dublin” he said. “I didn't know they had black people in Canada.”

“After pickin' cotton for all them white folks, we had to go somewhere. Couldn't very well walk back to Africa, could we? So it was Little Negroes on the Prairie. That's a Saskatoon joke.”

I made that up, too. I can't even blame my gay Canadian friend, Micheal, for that one. It's called Jeffin'. That's what you do to foolish white folks; dubious dinge queens like the leprechaun in front of me and otherwise. Willie Best made plenty of crinkly Jeffin' whitie in Hollywood.

Actually, I'm not from New York, either. I grew up in Connecticut, state of the now generally ignored U.S. Constitution. Black people populate that place, too. The obstreperous kind with crack pipes and guns.

“There must be black people in Ireland” I told him. “Otherwise, Sammy Davis, Jr., wouldn't know how to tap dance. Cromwell's European niggas clog-dancin' in Jamaica, y'know? Black people are everywhere. I even met a Black Czech chick once. Didn't speak a word of English. Only spoke Czech and Russian. Took me on a tour of Theresienstadt. Besides, my great grandfather was an Irishman.”


“Yes. Except he was white. Said to himself there are no potatoes in Ireland, sailed to Saskatoon, married a black woman and bought a farm. I grew up just like Dorthy before she spun off to Oz and found those ruby slippers.”

“You're a Black-Canadian farm boy?!! Oh, this is too much!”

“ Why not? Haven't you ever listened to Negro Spirituals? The ones sung in the fields? Those songs were code for fuck the white man, throw down your hoe and chase that star to Canada. Check it out. Go Down Moses, Let My People Go: 'Harriett Tubman, hurry and get your black ass down to Alabama so these niggas can go pick snowflakes up in Canada!' My grandmother told me that.”

“Topography of a Phantom Shopping Mall”

Tito Puente and his orchestra followed Heino on the jukebox. That's what I loved about Berliners. Even they knew you couldn't get drunk without Puerto Rican music. I wondered if Puerto Ricans would listen to Shlager?

“What brings you to Berlin?” I asked the leprechaun. “Rotkohl with the family?”

“God, no!! What on earth is 'rotkohl'?”

“Red cabbage. It's a German Christmas favorite. Mit ganse und kartoffel.”

Frankly, I didn’t get it. Bondage, rubber and chunks of metal rumbling in a throbbing orifice I got. But wallowing in steaming piss?!! That was beyond me. What potty-manual did their parents read? The Charles Mingus CAT-alog for Toilet Training your Cat?!!

My roommate on Grove, however, swore by it. He loved the leather freakazoids in dives like The Ramrod and The Toilet. That's why I'm familiar with those places. He told me about it.

Usually, in the morning. Over breakfast. In gruesome detail.

I used to see these characters all the time in the West Village. The air in Smiler's deli was rank with the odor of soggy pee-queens at four a.m.; forlornly ribboned Judy Garlands all pressed against the cashier's counter under the weight of multiple six-packs.

But that's a Christopher Street of an erased New York. That Christopher Street--the Christopher Street of Stonewall and Marsha Wallace, of Cruising and The Ramrod--disappeared along with Times Square, its peepshows, its hustlers and its tricks. How can a tv set and dvd player ever replace the lap-stiffening grandeur of Vanessa Del Rio on the screen of a Forty-second Street grind house?

The New York I knew was a co-mingling, a transcultural hybrid, of classes, races, religions, genders and generations. It was an open space without borders. A place of possibility. That space was erased. Avarice had turned the heart and mind of Manhattan into a simulacrum of itself. It had become a phantom city replicated on the broadway stage--the Theater of No Surprise.

It was no longer a matter of recognizing the shifting planes and queer angles in the urban sprawl—the Flâneur turning corners in the psychic cityscape; discovering strange new worlds. Those worlds – those psychic worlds -- don't exist in Manhattan anymore. There are only ghosts. Ghosts on the landscape. Ghosts fishhooked in the mind. This is why I left the U.S. My house was haunted. Money dissolved in my mouth.

The odd thing is I've become a ghost here, too....

For: Maresa Lippolis

©2007 Darius James

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sin in the Subburbs - The Solitary Vice

For years I suffered under the delusion that I was one of the only people on earth who actually masturbated. My peers ridiculed it, stating that only homos would engage in such vile acts. When I finally asked how something so pleasurable could be so wrong, the answer I got threw me for a loop.
"WELL", my friend explained, rather conspiratorially, "every time you spill your seed, there's thousands of and thousands of sperm in there. Every one of those sperm is a Christian soul that you're murdering. So, jacking off is like killing thousands and thousands of potential Christians. Just killin' 'em'.
Rather than dissuading me from masturbating, my friend's explanation only made me enjoy it all that much more. With every orgasm I could envision thousands of writhing souls, a white sea of Christians twitching in death throes. I didn't particularly care for Christians even back then, and the image really appealed to me. It still does.
By Boyd Rice

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Клавдия Ивановна была страшная блядь.

Клавдия Ивановна была страшная блядь.

Ещё Клавдия Ивановна часто водила к себе домой мужчин. Ей было всё равно — хоть кто, хоть забулдыга подзаборный, никакой в ней не было гордости.

Приведёт такого, чаю ему нальёт. А он сидит на табуретке, ёрзает: "Может по рюмочке, для куражу?"

Ну, нальёт она ему водочки в хрустальную рюмочку и огурчик порежет. "А вы что же не выпиваете?" — спросит мужчина. "Ах, я и так как пьяная", — отвечает ему Клавдия Ивановна низким голосом, и грудь у неё вздымается. Мужчина прямо водкой поперхнётся и, пока Клавдия Ивановна постель расстилает, залезет он в холодильник и всю остальную бутылку выжрет без закуски. Вернётся Клавдия Ивановна в прозрачном розовом пеньюаре, а мужчина уже лыка не вяжет. Дотащит она его до кровати, он ей всю грудь слюнями измажет и захрапит.

Таких мужчин Клавдия Ивановна рано утром сразу же прогоняла, даже оладушков им не испечёт.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday at the movies with Pink and Rinkly: Shindler's list Part2

Amon Goeth: They cast a spell on you, you know, the Jews. When you work closely with them, like I do, you see this. They have this power. It's like a virus. Some of my men are infected with this virus. They should be pitied, not punished. They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus. I see it all the time.

ps. Awesome Screenplay by Steven Zaillian, don't you think?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Under the lowering sky, in the humid atmosphere,
The houses ooze black sweat and their ventilators breathe foul odours;
The Horror of life becomes more apparent
And the grip of of spleen more oppressive:
The seeds of uniquity that lie in every man's heart
Begin to germinate;

A craving for filthy pleasures takes hold of the puritanical,
And the minds of respected citizens are visited by criminal desires...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Leaders and cats

Little Volodya Lenin on his way to the lake Ladoga to drown his cat Moorsik and a bunch of kittens. Year 1880.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

a head piece

BJ is the offer no man can refuse. Men simply don't turn blow jobs down.Why should they?
It requires so little effort for so much reward. I mean, they don't even have to move. It is a reason why a large mouth framed by swollen lips is considered a desirable acsesory in a woman, it gives the impression of an orifice designed entirely to accommodate the thrusting motion of a large pulsating phallus, with talking and eating as strictly secondary functions.
The submissive aspect of giving head is often considered to be it's true raison d'etre.
The BJ is a pure form of alienation and a domain of a whore for whom eye contact and sexual feedback is non essential. Giving head for girls starts off as a mysterious , somewhat frightening prospect and if not done right can lead to doing it out of sense of duty, to be submissive.
But it really makes sense for a woman to do it because they love it just as much as men.
That's when it's really the best.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Клавдия Ивановна была страшная блядь.3

Я жду давно, но до сих пор вас нет. Я на диване время коротаю. В одной руке держу я ваш портрет, Другой рукой о вас мечтаю...

Texas to Europe comparison

Monday, September 26, 2011

The scent of autumn - Limonov

The scent of autumn on the fields,
of royal British tea. It shields;
I place my hopes and dreams
on this liquid drawn from the streams.

I raise my cup and smile, thinking
I melt misfortune by drinking.
Because I know where bad luck goes.
And on my tracks, it slows.

Original version:

Осении запах и прерии
Чай из Британской империи
Я возлагаю надежды мои
На этого струя

Пью улыбаясь и думаю
Может убью я беду мою
Тем более знаю где и когда
Ко мне привязалась беда

Translated by Timothy Lee Roessler

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Secret confessions - Affairs of my male friends

I am friends with a few great guys, all very different from each other except for one thing - they are all married and all of them had an affair or two and they ended up confiding in me about it from time to time. I am a good friend , after all, and they know they can trust me.. Ha ! HA! I have to admit that I even encouraged them here and there just for my own entertainment sake! What can I say.. Of course all of the dudes had their affairs for different reasons (bored to death with Wife is #1), in different settings and even countries, but the diet of forbidden fruit they existed on - secret meetings, trysts in quiet pubs, impossible luxuries of spending an entire night or a few days together - all of that ended up with the most Banal Mess for all involved and Banal is the key word!

Of course, it was wonderful while it lasted.
And there was always a point in the affairs of all my friends when, if they could, they would surely keep life like this forever. If they could just press a button to keep life as sweet as this for always, they would. It usually happens when you have two women and both of them happy. The first one doesn't know about the second and the second one always believes that one day she will replace the first!
But the moment passes and what you've left is two unhappy women accusing you of betrayals, laying shitty guilt trips, inflicting misery and on and on .. till The "Tragedy" is finally over and dudes learn to live without anyone ( in the best case scenario). But I am an optimist and always think of times when these guys told me how life without "each other" seemed unimaginable, how they could not give HER up (of course they could) and how much they loved her.. which, in the end, really meant less than nothing!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


."Stay Cool and Brutal. Cop your Scratch first. Don't let 'em 'Georgia' you. They'll laugh at you. They'll cut you loose like a trick after they've film-flammed you.
Your Scratch Cop is the only way to put a hook in their stinking asses."
Iceberg Slim

Monday, September 5, 2011


Gabrielle Chanel — was a wretched human being. Anti-Semitic, homophobic, social climbing, opportunistic, ridiculously snobbish and given to sins of phrase-making like “If blonde, use blue perfume,” she was addicted to morphine and actively collaborated and fucked Germans during the Nazi occupation of Paris. And yet, her clean, modern, kinetic designs, which brought a high-society look to low-regarded fabrics, revolutionized women’s fashion, and to this day have kept her name synonymous with the most glorious notions of French taste and élan.

Coco Chanel’s Secret War

That is what a new book By Hal Vaughan claims she was..... and After reading all this Shrooms$Berries admires the fabulous Coco even more!!! Ain't nothing like it like sleeping with the enemy!!!! Been there and done it and it feels great!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Joe on sax - Blues in the night

Fear of flying

It was not until I was 15 that i actually found myself inside a plane that was about ready to take off. One part of my brain was excited - I was leaving prison -the oppressive Motherland . Forever! However the other part of the brain was detached enough to register surprise and disappointment that I was obviously scared shitless. The flight was out of St.Petersburg, my hometown. The airline Aeroflot, what else?
I knew that the wings and engines of Aeroflot passenger jets had tendency to form large cracks and fall off! Whether it was this knowledge , or the shock of how flimsy the whole thing was, or the feeling of lack of control, or the appalling quality of the in-flight "catering" - Aeroflot girls not only looked like Joseph Stalin, moustaches and all, but they treated us passengers who were mainly Jews getting the fuck out of Russia as if we were enemies of the people on our way to Gulag...
Or may be it was the fact that I had no Idea what awaited me on the "other side" , I shall never know, but something snapped and I found myself enrolled as a lifetime member of the we-are-all-doomed flying phobics. I know that i am in a good company, cuz most of my neurotic friends favor the comatoze approach to flying ; usually a mixture of vodka and valium. Not me. I need to be fully awake in case we might have to disembark in the middle of ocean and the impaired senses will thwart my intention of being the first one down the inflatable ramp!
When it's time for dinner I never fail to wonder "Should my final meal in this world be the chicken or the beef?"

But anyway, the fear has never really interfered with my life or love of traveling. Each flight I take, though, I always monitor my progress. Yup, still scared shitless. I know that to show my almost total control of phobia, I will have to take Aeroflot back to Russia - I have never been back! But that's where I draw the line.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Клавдия Ивановна была страшная блядь.2

Так и прижился у неё маньяк. Оказался он мужчиной неплохим, положительным. Полочки на кухне сделал, мусор выносит, на базар за картошкой ходит. Одна беда — никак он себя как мужчина больше не проявляет. Клавдия Ивановна уж и так, и эдак: из ванны будто случайно промелькнёт, тесёмочка у неё с плеча упадёт, котлетки ему накладывает и бедром заденет. А тот только загрустит, и всё.

Однажды Клавдия Ивановна подсмотрела, как он надел старенький свой плащик на голое тело, встал перед зеркалом, распахнул и шёпотом "Ха!" говорит. Посмотрел он на себя внимательно, вздохнул, надел кальсоны и пошёл выносить мусор.

А однажды маньяк говорит: "Вы уж извините, Клавдия Ивановна, но чувствую я зов своей маньяческой натуры. Должен я немедленно пойти в рощу и кого-нибудь по-всякому изнасиловать". "Ну, меня изнасилуйте" — предлагает Клавдия Ивановна. "Что вы, что вы! — говорит маньяк. — Я вам так обязан, вы столько для меня сделали. Что я, зверь совсем, что ли?"

Скинул он кальсоны, вытащил из шифоньера плащик и ушёл.

Клавдия Ивановна весь вечер проплакала, а потом заснула. "Всё равно вернётся, — думает. — Проголодается и вернётся".

Thursday, September 1, 2011


A woman is closest to being naked when she is well dressed

Gabrielle Chanel

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A BLUE HONEY recipee given to me by the fabulous Mr. Darius James

Oh, when you have the time....

"Immerse those morselsin of shrooms in raw honey and stash them in a cool, shady place,and let osmosis do its thing. The honey will first turn amber, then a deep blue-black color
indicating that the honey has become psychoactive. At this point it is time to strain out the mushrooms from the honey.
Use the mushrooms to make a psychedelic snack, And store the honey in a tightly capped glass jar. The honey has now taken on the magic, and properly stored will retain it for several months. Come winter when the mushrooms have disappeared from the field, it doesn't matter.

There, in the cupboard, is the HONEY POT, full to the brim with "Blue Honey"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Interrogations in the Ukraine -- Donald Weber

From a documentary photo project by Donald Weber.

Some, though, took time to break. One man kept denying his guilt and, in a slight to the officer interrogating him, broke into Fenya, a cant language spoken by Ukrainian thieves. “The officer was losing his grip on who had authority,” remembers Weber, who snapped a photo as the officer pressed his gun to the suspect’s head.
The moment ... lasted just seconds. But when the gun returned to the officer’s holster, everything about the interrogation had changed. The suspect began to speak with respect, and soon he confessed.

Friday, July 8, 2011

BEWARE...this mortifying situation will eventually occur at every library

Friday, July 1, 2011

secret relations with the mannequins...

I have secret relations with the mannequins. When I see them at night, slender, mystically naked or half undressed, flooded with the incredibly ghastly light of the window, I am much more attracted to them then to live women, who have been no riddle to me for a long time now and have but one solution.
I spy on the undressed mannequins with the voluptuous curiosity, much as when we placed a mirror under a desk, as children, and tried to see the cunt of our teacher, the young little French instructor. I remember how frightened and shaken I was when I crawled under the desk in my turn and saw the dark folds and hairs ( she went without underpants in the summer )...

PS Welcome Jean-Michel, Philip, Jean-Jacques and Patrick! Thanks so much guys for following Pink and Rinkly who loves your blogs!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


never had you, nor will I ever have you
I suppose. A few words, an approach
as in the bar yesterday, and nothing more.
It is, undeniably, a pity. But we who serve Art
sometimes with intensity of mind, and of course only
for a short while, we create pleasure
which almost seems real.
So in the bar the day before yesterday -- the merciful alcohol
was also helping much --
I had a perfectly erotic half-hour.

And it seems to me that you understood,
and stayed somewhat longer on purpose
This was very necessary. Because for all the imagination and the wizard alcohol,
I needed to see your lips as well,
I needed to have your body close.


Like beautiful bodies of the dead
who had not grown old
And they shut them, with tears, in a Magnificent Mausoleum,
With roses at the head and jasmine at the feet -

This is what Desires resemble that have passed Without fulfillment;
With none of them having achieved
A Night of Sensual Delight, or a bright morning.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GULAG - Jews in Command by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"I love strong opponents! It's such fun to break their backs! said the Leningrad (jewish ) interrogator Shitov. And if your opponent (e.g. your prisoner) is so strong that he refuses to give in, all your methods have failed and you are in a rage? Then, don't control your fury! It's tremendously satisfying, that outburst! Let your anger have its way; don't set any bounds to it. Don't hold yourself back! That's when interrogators spit in the open mouth of the accused! And shove his face into a full toilet! That's the state of mind in which they drag Christian believers around by their hair. Or urinate in a kneeling prisoner's face! After such a storm of fury you feel yourself a real honest-to-God man!"

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Gulag Archipelago

"I named the leadership of the GULag in my book, GULag Archipelago. Yes, there was a large proportion of Jews among its command. (Portraits of the directors of construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, which I reproduced from the Soviet commemorative corpus of 1936, caused outrage: they claimed that I have selected the Jews only on purpose. But I did not select them, I’ve just reproduced the photographs of all the High Directors of the BelBaltlag [White Sea - Baltic Canal camp administration] from that immortal book. Am I guilty that they had turned out to be Jews? Who had selected them for those posts? Who is guilty?) I will now add information about three prominent men, whom I did not know then. Before the BelBaltlag, one Lazar Kogan worked as the head of the GULag; Zinovy Katsnelson was the deputy head of the GULag from 1934 onward; Izrail Pliner was the head of the GULag from 1936, and later he oversaw the completion of construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal (1937).[54]

It can’t be denied that History elevated many Soviet Jews into the ranks of the arbiters of the fate of all Russians."

Alexander Solshenitsyn from his last book "200 years together" about coexistence of jews and russians in Russia ( a strange topic...)

ps. Pink and Rinkly read this anti - semitic book by Alexander Isaevich Solshenitsyn with disgust.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Блядь 1

Клавдия Ивановна была страшная блядь.

Ещё Клавдия Ивановна часто водила к себе домой мужчин. Ей было всё равно — хоть кто, хоть забулдыга подзаборный, никакой в ней не было гордости.

Приведёт такого, чаю ему нальёт. А он сидит на табуретке, ёрзает: "Может по рюмочке, для куражу?"

Ну, нальёт она ему водочки в хрустальную рюмочку и огурчик порежет. "А вы что же не выпиваете?" — спросит мужчина. "Ах, я и так как пьяная", — отвечает ему Клавдия Ивановна низким голосом, и грудь у неё вздымается. Мужчина прямо водкой поперхнётся и, пока Клавдия Ивановна постель расстилает, залезет он в холодильник и всю остальную бутылку выжрет без закуски. Вернётся Клавдия Ивановна в прозрачном розовом пеньюаре, а мужчина уже лыка не вяжет. Дотащит она его до кровати, он ей всю грудь слюнями измажет и захрапит.

Таких мужчин Клавдия Ивановна рано утром сразу же прогоняла, даже оладушков им не испечёт.