Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two days ago
I bought special flowers
Only had them planted
A couple of hours.

When out to check them
Later that day
Guess who I spied
And they didn't run away.

 Two cute little bunnies
And real furry, too
Were cutting down those flowers
Fast as they could chew.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

best glue to sniff

If you're gonna sniff glue, go for Elmer's school glue. It's pretty benign. Modeling glue is the best, though!
Anyway, sniffing glue has always been popular but mostly with the people that could not afford smack, cocain or even pot. As our economy is taking a dip, more and more guys I know are wondering: what am I gonna do when I stop being able to afford my favorite drugs. Sniff glue? Yes! But what kind ? Well , we just told you. Have fun!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

nice restaurant

Guys, next time you'all are in Paris , drop by this place! Even if you are not into fish eggs! Its great. Food is old fashioned , a little fattening but there is not much of it on the plate and you wouldn't feel gross afterwards . All real good. And the old world atmosphere and its owner will charm you forever! I loved it! Metro La Tour-Maubourg.

Monday, April 16, 2012

About Marilyn:quotes by Arthur Miller and Elia Kazan

" My days of sucking all that cock for parts are over", - said Merilyn Monroe when she first got her real studio contract . That's according to a Henry Miller (oops, I meant to say Arthur Miller) book about her I'm reading right now.
Previously I was reading the memoirs of Elia Kazan who said that about her : " Her pussy was always wet".
These two renowned artists were obviously real gentlemen! I mean what nice things to say about a woman whom they both claimed to be their muse. Ah?

В лесу стояла тишина.

Соколов шел уверенно и быстро, треща валежником, поблескивая очками.

Oн прошел между березами и остановился. Перед ним лежала небольшая, залитая луной поляна. Невысокая трава искрилась росою, листья орешника казались серебристо-серыми.

Небольшая кучка кала лежала в траве, маслянисто поблескивая. Соколов приблизил к ней свое лицо. От кала сильно пахло. Он взял одну из слипшихся колбасок. Она была теплой и мягкой. Он поцеловал ее и стал быстро есть, жадно откусывая, мажа губы и пальцы.

Снова где-то далеко закричала ночная птица. Соколов взял две оставшиеся колбаски и, попеременно откусывая то от одной, то от другой, быстро съел.

от хижины дяди Тома до белого дома

Sunday, April 15, 2012

peace pacts

If, against all expectation, Germany finds itself in a difficult situation then she can be sure that the Soviet people will come to Germany's aid and will not allow Germany to be strangled. The Soviet Union wants to see a strong Germany and we will not allow Germany to be thrown to the ground.

- Joseph Stalin, 1939

Soviet foreign minister Molotov signs the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact
Signature page of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact,
August 1939
And the rest is history...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday The 13 (today) - here is the poem

This morning I busted a mirror
which means that the next seven years
are due to be filled with misfortune,
catastrophes, fuck ups and tears.

With all the bad luck I'm confronting,
it seems that I'm probably cursed.
It may be the 13th this friday.
Fucking true - could not be any worst.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April Fools

Today is my Mom's B-Day and I was remembering how I used to torture her when I was a teen. Turns out there is A new generation of super naughty girls in full bloom and they happen to be our own pretty daughters!
Here is the message my friend Ira S. got in London from her daughter Ru on April 1! Hilarious, at least she didn't tell her she is pregnant like my other friends daughter told her Mom on April 1!