Saturday, June 18, 2011

Miss Urania

...Heading the procession of His mistresses was Miss Urania, an American girl with supple figure, sinewy legs, muscles of steel, and arms of iron.
She was one of the most famous acrobats at the circus where he followed her performance night after night.
Little by little, as he watched her, curious fantasies took shape in his mind.The more he admired her suppleness and strength, the more he thought he saw an artificial change of sex operating in her - her mincing movements and feminine affectations became less obtrusive, and in their place there developed the agile, vigorous charms of a male. The exchange of sex between Miss Urania and himself had excited him tremendously. The two of them, so he thought, were made for each other.
And There was also that extravagant delight in self-abasement which (he expected) a commoner like her would show in paying dearly for the caresses of a nobleman.
Finally, one evening, with a little preliminary courting , Miss Urania surrended
But when at last his wishes were granted, he suffered immense and immediate disappointment. He had imagined that the American girl would be as blunt-witted and bruttish as a fairground wrestler,, but he found to his dismay that her stupidity was of a purely feminine order. It is true that she lacked education and refinement, possessed neither wit nor common sense, and behaved with a bestial greed at the table, but at the same time she still displayed all the childish foibles of a woman; she loved tittle-tattle and gewgaws as much as any petty-minded trollop, and it was clear that no transmission of masculin ideas into her feminine person has occurred.
What is more, she was positively puritanical in bed and treated him to none of those rough, athletic caresses he at once desired and dreaded.
And there was nothing he could do but resume the man's part he had momentarily forgotten..

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