Friday, March 23, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
valentina lisitza

Ever played with such passion, and I was moved to tears. Valentina got a standing ovation and
the crowd refused to let her go..and then she played Shuberts Ave Maria... She is breathtaking! BRAVO!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Печень слегка увеличена. Анализ крови и мочи — норма. Перистальтика удовлетворительна. Психический статус: полностью ориентирована, подавлена. О своем состоянии говорит с трудом, плачет. Настойчиво просит исследовать ей кишечно-желудочный тракт, послать к специалистам. В отделении держится одиноко, сторонится больных. Тайно изготовила себе «пробку для удержания газов», вставляет ее в задний проход. Вынимает пробку только на ночь и в уборной. Ночью спит, зажав пробку в руке. Больной назначено лечение аминазином и антидепрессантами.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Meet the 21-Year-Old Art Student Who Tricked Folks (Including GMA) Into Thinking She Was a Tween

By K.T Baker of Jesebel Magasine, and this is Sophie Roessler - my daughter!!!!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about girls who ask YouTube commenters, of all people, to tell them if they're ugly. One young woman in the post — who, as a result, was featured on the Today show, Good Morning America, and other news outlets that picked up our story, emailed me last week to tell me that she was not actually a tween but a 21-year-old student at Kansas City Art Institute working on a thesis project concerning tween culture and the societal pressures facing girls transitioning into womanhood. After I got over feeling Punk'd, I wanted to know more about her project.
"I wanted to explore pure teenage sentimentality," she said. "People dismiss teen girls and their emotions as stupid, but is it really that dumb to be sentimental?" It's true; while the "Am I Ugly?" videos made my heart break a little, I can think of countless times I've made fun of my friends' little sisters' emo spoken word poetry or simpering VYou accounts, rather than considering their work as a legitimate form of expression — and that's coming from someone who regularly staged her own productions of RENT in her living room back in the day. I told Roessler it was often hard for me to feel like YouTube teens are really "being themselves," maybe because their movements seem so orchestrated after I've watched video after video of the same eyerolls and giggles — and also because, well, it's YouTube, the number one website for 15-seconds-of-fame-seekers. Roessler said that's exactly why she tried to make her videos as cringe-inducing as possible, to encourage viewers to reconsider the discomfort they feel when confronted with "genuinity."
Of course, it's not just the videos that make us cringe — it's the comments. I asked Roessler if she was honestly immune to cyber-bullying, even as a 21-year-old. "Of course I cared what people said, even though I didn't think I would," she said, adding that it worked both ways — nice comments made her worry that the piece would turn into a vanity project and that she'd feel conceited, but mean comments, even about her hair, which she purposefully messed up to seem younger, made her feel shittier than she expected.
Here's one photo from her installation. (a larger, more formal project is taking place this May - check it out if you're in Kansas City!) Some of her videos played on loop in a bedroom she filled with paint-pen drawings, stickers, snapshots and other "nostalgic ephemera" — including leaves to represent the changing of seasons — meant to "create this dreamy space that is more about the fluidity of memory."